
Top Questions to Ask an Employer at the End of the Interview

September 2021 by Tradewind Australia

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It’s tricky to foresee what questions you might be asked in a job interview. But there is one that is guaranteed, and it usually comes at the end when your potential employer asks, “Do you have any questions for us?”. The most impressive thing you can do is have a set of insightful queries ready to go – ones that showcase your self-awareness, as well as your keen interest in the role and greater company.

To assist you on that front, here’s a selection of interview questions to ask an employer that will clearly demonstrate these qualities. The bonus? They’ll also help you quickly uncover whether the position is the right fit for you.

The Questions

In the interests of covering bases, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of questions to ask at the end of an interview, but by no means do you need to ask them all. In fact, it’s a good idea to select a few across a range of categories. You might like to pick an additional two or three questions in case the ones you’ve selected are answered during the course of the interview.

Choose the ones you feel will give you the best insight into the role, alongside demonstrating why you’re the best candidate.

Company Culture

  • How would you describe your company culture?
  • Why do you like working here?
  • What's one thing that helps this company succeed that someone from the outside wouldn't know?

All of these questions allow the interviewer to speak from personal experience as well as share their knowledge base, something most people enjoy doing! But it also shows them that you’re deeply committed to finding out if their culture aligns with the way you like to work – an essential for employee engagement and longevity at the company.

The Role

  • Is this a newly created role?
  • What skills gaps currently exist in the team that you’re looking to fill with a new employee?
  • What are the biggest challenges the new hire faces in this role?

By asking any of these questions, you’ll get an insider’s look into the team and/or company’s biggest pain points. You can then weigh up whether you’re excited (and willing!) to take on these challenges. It also shows you’re smart and savvy enough to thoroughly prepare yourself for the realities of the role.

Team and Management

  • Who would I report to?
  • Who will I work most closely with?
  • Will I work closely with other departments and if so, which ones?

Understanding exactly who you’ll report to, who you’ll directly work with and who you’ll oversee (if appropriate to the role), is essential to help you make an informed decision about whether this position is right for you.

Success and Professional Development

  • What are the most important things you’d like the new hire to achieve in the first month on the job, and in the first quarter?
  • What are the most important qualities for succeeding here?
  • What types of professional development opportunities do you offer?

The first two questions are a great way to uncover the exact job expectations, as well as the type of person the company wants for the role. The third illustrates your desire to grow and improve your skillset, which can only add value to the company.

The Big Picture

  • How does this role contribute to realising the company’s vision?
  • What’s one thing you’re most excited about happening here in the next three years?

Either of these questions will help you make a great impression. One shows you want to understand how your work will influence the company achieving its goals, while the other displays you’re interested in the longer-term picture.

Next Steps

  • Can you tell me your timeline for making a decision and when I can expect to hear back from you?

While illustrating your interest and eagerness about the role, it also sets expectations so you’re not nervously waiting by your inbox or phone when you don’t need to!

A specialist recruiter, like us here at Tradewind, can also support you in this follow-up process, keeping you well-informed of all interview stages, as well as providing feedback after your interview. Feel free to reach out to one of our expert recruitment specialists for more support.