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Lalor East Primary

Hi and welcome to the Lalor East Primary School relief teacher podcast. We have put this together to help you make the most of your day and enjoy your time with our students!

So let’s get started!

Classes commence at 9.00 so you will need to be at the school no later than 8.30. This will give you time to sign-in and prepare for the day. Please aim to be punctual.

The dress code is smart casual and from September through to April please bring a Sunsmart hat for yard duty.

Once parked head to the school office to sign in. A CRT Information Booklet will be available for you. This booklet contains vital information on a range of topics. It is important you read this booklet as a priority at the beginning of the day as you will find details on

  • The school timetable
  • Emergency management
  • How to mark the roll
  • Behaviour management
  • Yard duty
  • Wet and sweat days
  • Lunch orders and First Aid

Please make sure you mark the roll first thing in the morning, at 9.00, and then again after lunch, at 2.30. Details on how to mark the roll are included in the CRT Information Booklet. Rolls are important legal document and must be regarded as a priority.

The classwork program will typically be found on the teacher’s desk. Please attend to this as a priority and please complete the work as suggested. This should make your day more enjoyable as the children will be familiar with the routines and their current units of work. If you have any queries about the work please ask one of your colleagues.

If the teacher has been unable to prepare work of the day you may use the work program to gain an understanding of what to teach. Please note what was covered and leave this information for the teacher.

Please correct work as you go and if necessary collect it for the teacher. If students are using digital resources at any time during the day please remember these are for work tasks only and you will need to monitor this use. Further information on ICT resources is noted in the CRT Information Booklet. You will be informed early if you are on yard duty. Please wear the Orange Hi-Viz vest contained in the Yard Duty bag. These Yard Duty bags can be found in the Photocopy Room in the South Building. Please refer to your school map to ensure you are in the correct area. If a child requires first aid please send them with a white disk, found in the bag, to the sickbay. If any child suffers a knock to the head, no matter how slight, please ensure you report the incident. And make sure you carry your mobile in case it is required. Remember to check your CRT Information Booklet for further details.

You will find the students at Lalor East enthusiastic and keen to learn, and if you take a similar approach you are most likely to have a good day. If you do encounter any behavioural issues please follow the following process:

  1. Warning – discuss the inappropriate behaviour and the change you wish to see.
  2. Move/Time Out in the classroom
  3. Send to buddy class and complete the first half of withdrawal form (You will find these forms in the Student Support Folder)
  4. Send the child to the Assistant Principal or Principal – You may have to ask then to collect the student.

As a priority deal with behavioural issues promptly and fairly and seek assistance when required. Never let behavioural issues escalate. Far better to seek assistance early.

Classes are dismissed at 3.30. Ensure the classroom is neat and tidy and all doors and windows are locked. Please turn off all computers, heaters etc and if furniture has been moved during the day please return it to its original position. At the end of the day please complete a handover page. Tradewind have one available or you can simply write your own. Let the teacher know what work was covered, what needs to be followed up and how well the children worked throughout the day. If there have been any behavioural matters that require further attention, please speak to your team leader before leaving school.

And if there has been any communication with parents please let the teacher know so they can follow up.

You will need to remain for at least 15 minutes at the end of the day to tidy up and write your handover notes. By this time all the students should have headed home or been picked up. If this is not the case please inform your teaching colleague or the office. Never leave the school if a child or children remain unsupervised. Make sure you let someone know.

Before leaving the school please visit the office to sign out and return the CRT Information Booklet and any other items belonging to the school. We look forward to seeing you at Lalor East and hope you enjoy your day with us.

Australian Red Cross
One Girl
The Fred Hollows Foundation