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Meadow Glen Primary

Hi and welcome to the Meadow Glen Primary School relief teacher podcast.

We have put this together to help you make the most of your day and enjoy your time with our students!

So let’s get started!

Classes commence at 8.50 so you will need to be at the school no later than 8.20. This will give you time to sign-in and prepare for the day. Please aim to be punctual.

You are welcome to park in one of the two staff car parks on either side of the school.

The dress code is smart casual: no denim, thongs or singlets. No visible tattoos or facial piercings.

Once parked head to the school office where you can sign-in and will be greeted by the friendly office staff. It is essential you have your VIT or Working With Children Card with you. You will not be able to teach if you cannot produce these.

Once signed in, you will be given a CRT folder. The CRT folder contains plenty of useful information including

  • A school map
  • Your daily timetable
  • Your yard duty allotment
  • Photos of children in your care with special and/or medical needs

You will also be given a hard copy of the attendance roll The office staff will also give you classroom keys if required and you may be asked to swap these for your car keys which can be collected at the end of the day.

Please make sure you mark the roll first thing in the morning and then again after lunch. This roll must be returned to the office. If you are unsure of these arrangements please ask one of your colleagues. Rolls are important legal document and must be regarded as a priority.

Student work for the day will be left for you. Most likely you will find this on the teacher’s desk, or it may be given to you by the team leader. Please complete the work as suggested. This should make your day more enjoyable as the children will be familiar with the routines and their current units of work.

Please correct work and if necessary collect it for the teacher. Most importantly ensure the students are engaged and working happily. Each classroom has a library and in the absence of sufficient work, you are welcome to utilize this valuable resource.

Australian Red Cross
One Girl
The Fred Hollows Foundation