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Wallan Primary

Hi and welcome to the Wallan Primary School relief teacher podcast.
We have put this together to help you make the most of your day and enjoy your time with our students!

So let’s get started!

Classes commence at 8.45 so you will need to be at the school no later than 8.30.
This will give you time to sign-in and prepare for the day. Please aim to be punctual.

Wallan Primary is a professional workplace and all staff are required to dress in a professional manner appropriate for their work. Open-toed shoes and open-backed footwear is not acceptable for OH and S concerns. No thongs at any time.

Shoe-string, strapless and singlet tops are not acceptable professional attire. It is expected all staff model Sunsmart behaviours during the months of September through until the end of April so bring a hat to wear outside.

You are welcome to park in the staff carpark on Queen Street or at the back of the oval on Raglan Street. Please arrive early so you have ample time to park and locate the office.

If required you will also be issued with a classroom key. Student work for the day will be left for you. Most likely you will find this on the teacher’s desk. If you have any concerns or queries about the work please speak to a colleague in an adjacent classroom. Please follow the work as set. This should make your day more enjoyable as the children will be familiar with the routines and their current units of work.

Please correct work and if necessary collect it for the teacher.

If students are using digital resources at any time during the day please remember these are for work tasks only and you will need to monitor this use.

You will be informed early if you are on yard duty. Please collect a Hi-Viz vest

and “Ouch Pouch” from the classroom and check your school map to ensure you are in the correct area. If any child suffers a knock to the head, no matter how slight, please ensure you report the incident.

You will find the students at Wallan enthusiastic and keen to learn, and if you take a similar approach you are most likely to have a good day.

The school implements a detailed positive behaviour management approach based on the Assertive Discipline and Restorative Model. Classroom rules, consequences and rewards are displayed in each classroom. Please familiarise yourself with our approach and implement it throughout the day.

If a child is unwell during the day please send them with another child to sickbay along with a sickbay card.

Classes are dismissed at 3.15. Ensure the classroom is neat and tidy and all doors and windows are locked. Please turn off all computers, heaters etc and if furniture has been moved during the day please return it to its original position.

At the end of the day please complete a handover page. Tradewind have one available or you can simply write your own. Let the teacher know what work was covered, what needs to be followed up and how well the children worked throughout the day. If there have been any behavioural matters that require further attention, please speak to your team leader before leaving school. You will need to remain for at least 15 minutes at the end of the day to tidy up and write your handover notes. By this time all the students should have headed home or been picked up. If this is not the case please inform your teaching colleague or the office. Never leave the school if a child or children remain unsupervised. Make sure you let someone know. Before leaving the school please visit the office to sign out, return the CRT folder and any keys.

We look forward to seeing you at Wallan and hope you enjoy your day with us.

Australian Red Cross
One Girl
The Fred Hollows Foundation